Put your hand up if you've slowed down towards the end of a running session. Put your hand up if you've stop doing your reps because there's 3 seconds left on the timer. And finally put your hand up if your rest period is often longer than your work period. If you're guilty of any of these and wondering why you aren't making progress with your training then read on. In any training session, whether it's to develop your strength or whether you are doing cardio to increase your beep test score, it's important to give your best effort until the very end. A common mistake many people make is to ease up, slow down or drag out the rest period when they see the finish line in sight. However, to truly maximise your training and improve your performance in order to smash your PFA, it's crucial to maintain your intensity until you have fully completed the designated distance or time. tip 1 - don't stop running until you have passed the finish line.Let's take a session that involves running 5 x 400m intervals at best effort. This type of high-intensity session is often used to build speed, endurance, and cardiovascular fitness. To get the most out of this workout, it's essential to push yourself throughout the entire distance. When there's 20m to go and you start a slowing down or even walking over the finish line, you're essentially cheating yourself out of the full benefits of the training session. There's a psychological benefit to finishing a training session with your best effort. When you push through the finish line, you create a sense of accomplishment and build momentum for future training sessions. Each time you give it your all until the very end, you reinforce a positive mindset and a winning attitude. This attitude can translate into other areas of your life, where you'll approach challenges with the determination to overcome them and achieve success. TRY THIS: In your next running interval session make it a personal goal to not slow down until your are passed the finish line. tip 2 - move until the timer beepsWhen enduring a timed session or challenge such as max push ups in 20seconds, it's essential to utilize every second effectively to maximize your performance and push your limits. During a timed challenge, it's common for individuals to feel fatigued or mentally exhausted before the time runs out. However, by pushing through and using those last few seconds to your advantage, you train your mind to overcome mental barriers and push beyond perceived limitations. This mental resilience can help set you up to tackle the challenges with a determined and tenacious mindset. When there are only a few seconds remaining on the timer, it can be tempting to ease up and assume that time is running out too quickly to make a difference. However, those last few seconds are valuable and can potentially add a few extra reps to your overall count. By utilizing every second and striving for those extra reps, you're pushing your limits and making progress. Even if you can only manage one or two additional reps, they can contribute to incremental improvements over time. TRY THIS: Next time you are doing a timed session and say there are only 4 seconds left on the timer try and see how many extra reps you can get. Don't be concerned if you go over. Your body and mind will thank you in time. tip 3 - stay in control of your restRest periods are an essential component of any training session. They allow your body to recover and replenish energy stores between sets or intervals, ensuring that you can maintain the desired intensity throughout the workout. However, it's crucial to stay in control of your rest periods and avoid falling into the trap of prolonging them excessively. Dragging out rest periods can disrupt the flow of your workout and lead to a loss of momentum. When you allow yourself to become too comfortable or complacent during rest, it becomes harder to transition back into the exercise and regain the desired intensity. By staying in control and adhering to planned rest periods, you can maintain the momentum. Say, during a session you are required to work non stop for 3 minutes then take a 2 minute break. While doing a combination of exercises during your 3 minute work period it's very likely that you will need to take a quick breather at some point.. That is 100% OK. Remember to not get caught in the rest though. What we mean is if you need a quick rest then stay in control. Perhaps count to 10 in your head OR maybe allocate a certain number of breaths OR look at the clock a set a certain amount of seconds before going again. Often people will go and take a breather, wonder over to their water bottle, put their hands on their hips then go again. Before you know it it's been 45 seconds. TRY THIS: Next time you are about to do a tough session allocate yourself a 10 seconds count in your head. That's "1 and 2 and 3 and 4 and 5 and 6 and 7 and 8 and 9 and 10". That's it. That's your quick breath before going again. CONClusionMake every second count during your sessions to maximise your output and supercharge your training results.
If you are ready to implement these 3 tips into your training sessions then jump on and grab one of our programs here. Use discount code TBG30 to get 30% off.
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