If you're an ADF or Police Applicant then you need to stop saying 'I can't'! So many people get given an exercise and turn around and say ‘Oh… I can’t do that’. Or they give it ONE half ass pathetic attempt and fall in a heap saying ‘I can’t’. As an applicant of the ADF or Police you need to change the way you speak to yourself and the way you speak about your abilities. If you keep saying 'I can't', then you probably won't. Is that what you really want? For a start- you haven’t even tried to give it a go. Second to that you actually can, you’re just choosing NOT to. Everyone can. Every single one of you is capable of passing the PFA. Everyone has the ability to give anything a go. You’re just choosing not to. I can’t actually just means ‘I won’t’. Next time you go to do your push-ups and you’re having trouble, don’t just fall in a heap and say ‘I can’t. Tell yourself ‘I can’. When you try and go for a run and you get too puffed and end up walking and get frustrated… do you stop and complain that you can’t? No… you pick yourself up, get over it and say ‘I can’ and you just keep running. Remember that things don’t just happen overnight. A marathon runner doesn’t just wake up one day and say ‘I’m going to run marathons’ and go out and run 42kms that first day. They work up to it. 1km at a time, practicing and training and getting themselves to a point where they can successfully complete that marathon. Remember why you’re doing this. Remember why you started. Remember that it was YOUR choice to join the Defence Force and only YOU can get yourself there. So don’t sit around complaining that you can’t when you actually CAN. Don’t sit there telling us, or anyone else that you can’t. Because it just means that you won’t. You’ve got to work for it. Stop worrying about what will happen if you can’t and start thinking about what will happen if you can. If you want to get out of the 'can't' mindset as an ADF or Police applicant, then come and train with us. Everyone training at The Barracks Gym learns to say 'I can' and truly believes it. Click here to come and join us today
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