Embarking on your fitness journey, especially when preparing for the ADF or Police, can be challenging. You might feel like you're going it alone, but there's a valuable ally you shouldn't overlook: The Battle Buddy. Let's explore how this military concept can revolutionise your fitness routine. what is a battle buddy?The Battle Buddy concept came from my time in the Army. When on deployment overseas you will rarely do anything on your own. For security purposes everyone get's paired up with a Battle Buddy. You will literally do everything together: You go to the toilet, they go too. You go to get dinner, they come with you. You want to go get a coffee, then join you too. You want to go to the gym, well so do they. The idea is that you keep an eye on one another. It’s up to you to ensure your battle buddy is doing the right thing. If they are struggling at PT, having trouble with certain tasks, conducting incorrect weapon drills, running late, wearing the wrong uniform, have forgotten something or doing the wrong thing then it is up to you to help each other through. Basically if you can prevent each other from doing anything stupid, then you’ll stay out of trouble. Whilst working in the field or on deployment the idea of a battle buddy becomes a lot more serious. You quite literally look out for each other 24/7. If your battle buddy goes to do a poo in the bush then so do you. You do everything together and you look after each other. Whilst you are still two adults that can look after yourselves, it’s imperative to have someone that is looking out for you, your safety, your decisions and your ability to do your job. On a more serious note, having a battle buddy can become extremely important when it comes to mental health. In the US Army, the Battle Buddy system is often implemented for this reason and to help in reducing incidences around mental health. Each individual is expected to look out for their buddy and to hopefully notice any sort of decline in their morale or their behavioural patterns. Buddies are taught to intervene and provide support or to reach out and obtain the appropriate help, should their buddy need it. TBG Battle buddies. why do we implement this?1. No one gets left behind. Everyone at TBG is partnered up with a Battle Buddy. This means that even if you join our TBG family and don't know anyone, you’ll have an instant friend in your battle buddy. No one is left on their own and everyone has someone that they keep accountable and that can keep YOU accountable 2. Someone is always looking out for you. If one of our members has been quiet for a few days then their battle buddy will check in on them. Quite often someone will be feeling unmotivated to do any training and is struggling to get their ass into gear. Their battle buddy will be the one that helps kick them up the ass. If someone is feeling a bit down or has gotten some bad news regarding their application, their battle buddy is there to listen and support them. 3. Increase in Motivation and productivity If you have someone that you’re accountable to then you’re more likely to get off your ass and train, even when you don’t feel like it. By making a ‘pact’ with your battle buddy that you’re both going to do todays session at 4pm, you’ve got a better chance of actually doing it knowing that you’ll potentially let them down if you don’t show up. Your productivity increases with your training and you are able to generate motivation. 4. You’ll always have someone. You’ll always have someone you can talk to when things get tough and when you have achievements you want to celebrate. It doesn’t matter if your family don’t quite get what you’re going through or if your friends don’t share the same interest. Your battle buddy will always be there to share in the highs and lows! 5. Keep each other out of trouble. Whilst we are all adults, it’s natural that we can make silly mistakes with our training, nutrition or life choices. A battle buddy can be the one to intervene when you’re about to do something that you will regret or that will impact your application. This can be as simple as poor nutrition choices or going out to drink when you know you have training the following day. They can be the one to keep you on track when it comes to your training. This is how we implement the battle buddy system for applicants. This still remains relevant when it is transferred across to the real Military, field trips and deployments . If you already understand the concept of a battle buddy prior to enlisting then you’ll be able to adapt quite easily in the Military. conclusionSo… do you have a Battle Buddy to help you through the application process?
Grab the Ultimate Training Bundle today and get yourself a Battle Buddy so you too can dominate the application process and be a step above the rest.
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