On the morning of your PFA it’s very likely that you are full of nerves! You’ll be excited, anxious, nervous and just keen to get there and get it over with. What are you going to have for breakfast? If you're confused about what to eat please read on... On the morning of your PFA it’s very likely that you are full of nerves! You’ll be excited, anxious, nervous and just keen to get there and get it over with. The PFA is often the last piece of the puzzle when it comes to your enlistment so it's natural that you're putting a lot of pressure on yourself.
What are you going to have for breakfast? We've put together some guidance to help you decide what will best fuel your body and give you energy on the day of your PFA. YOU DO NEED TO EAT ON THE MORNING OF YOUR PFA In the same way your car needs fuel so that it can go from A to B, your body needs fuel to be able to function and perform. If you don’t eat in the morning, then by the time you get to your beep test you’ll be starving and have no energy. In Brisbane the PFAs are quite big and there are a lot of people. You will arrive at 9am and it could be 10:30am before you get to the beep test. That’s a long time to be hungry! Next you’ll be wondering WHAT you should eat. EAT WHAT YOU NORMALLY EAT. DON'T TRY ANYTHING UNLESS YOU KNOW HOW YOUR BODY REACTS If you already know what your body can handle then eat that. If you eat the same thing every morning then it’s advisable to stick to that. If you’re unsure how your body reacts to a particular food then the morning of your PFA is not the time to try it. It can be desirable to try something ‘healthier’ than what you normally have because you believe it's the right thing to do. I’ve observed applicants in the past who have tried yoghurt and muesli for the first time on the morning of their PFA and end up with their head in the toilet after a failed beep test due to a churning stomach. You don’t want to be that person. There isn’t any complicated magic when it comes to nutrition and everyone is different. What works for me isn’t always going to work for you. You should do your best to try out different breakfast options prior to your PFA and figure out what works for you. REFUEL YOUR BODY Just like a car, once you arrive at your destination you’re going to need more fuel so that you can continue to drive around. You also need to fuel your body with food AFTER your PFA so that you can recover and continue training. Don’t be afraid to eat but don’t use your PFA success as an opportunity to have a celebratory junk feast! Fuel your body with valuable nutrients so that you can keep smashing your training in the lead up to basic training! 'Eat for what you're about to do and eat for what you've just done' If you'd like some help preparing for your PFA then please get in touch with our expert coaching team at The Barracks Gym by contacting us here
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