Even if you're 18 years old, single, live on base and pretty shit at life there are still things that will need to be taken care of while you're away on deployment, out field or on course. Regardless of your age and relationship status there will be tips in here that will help everyone out... WHO IS BACK HOME SUPPORTING YOU WHILE YOU'RE AWAY?
Even if you're 18 years old, single, live on base and pretty shit at life there are still things that will need to be taken care of while you're away on deployment, out field or on course. Here are 10 things to consider drawn from our combined 25 years in the army.
Don't be afraid to speak to your chain of command if you're having trouble with your personal welfare. They have welfare officers who can help out with ensuring your life is on track and give you a smoother work experience. If everything on the home front is taken care of then you'll be able to provide effective service and give your full attention to your job. CONCLUSION Now that you've got your support network in check it's time to hook into your training. The Ultimate Training Bundle for ADF and Police Applicants is your solution to service ready fitness. Smashing the PFA and dominating at basic training or the academy.
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