As important as it is to train hard and work towards getting yourself fit and strong, incorporating some sort of recovery method into your week is also crucial. If you need some help finding the right recovery method then read on... Every single one of you will be conducting some sort of fitness regime in preparation for the Military or Police Service. As important as it is to train hard and work towards getting yourself fit and strong, incorporating some sort of recovery method into your week is also crucial. Recovery methods will ensure that the body is able to replenish energy and be able to perform at a high standard at the next session. Rest time is where the body strengthens itself as well as having some down time both physically and mentally. Recovery will also ensure that your body can repair and heal if it needs to. During recovery your muscles will restore, adapt to the training you’ve been doing and become stronger. Your nervous system will also have a chance to rest and regenerate. Neglecting recovery can result in overtraining and the injuries and illnesses that are associated with it. If you don’t allow time for your body to undergo recovery, rest and regeneration then you’ll likely find yourself injured or fatigued and have to stop training and rest for a longer period of time (weeks or possibly months). The safest way to avoid this is to ensure you have recovery time scheduled in each week so that you’re taking care of it as you go. Now that we’ve established the importance of Recovery, we’re going to give you our top 5 Recovery methods that help applicants become the fittest and strongest versions of themselves in the lead up to Enlistment. 1. SLEEP I know, I know… it’s not always that easy. We understand. However you have to take action and have sleep and changing your sleep hygiene habits at the forefront of your list of priorities every day. Sleep is FREE and it is the most effective form of recovery. It is where your body is at its most rested and relaxed state and where all the restorative goodness happens within your body and your mind. Sleep will aid in muscle repair after a strenuous workout which is how strength and growth is created. If you have inadequate sleep then it will impede your body's ability to recover and this hinders the body's ability to build on muscle strength. Generally speaking, 6-8 hours of quality sleep is required in order for the recovery process to be effective. It’s important to have a quality bed time routine that you adhere to no matter what time of day you are going to sleep (e.g. shift workers). Remove technology from your sleep space and avoid staring at your phone for 1-2 hours before you go to bed. Create a cool, dark environment in your bedroom as this will encourage sleep hormones to do their thing. Listen to your body. If your body needs sleep then take it. It may mean that you sacrifice a night out and about with friends so that you can get some good quality rest and go into your new week of training ready to kick ass! 2. RECOVERY BATH Not only is soaking in the bathtub a good way to encourage muscle recovery it is a great opportunity to switch off from everything else in your life and just re-centre your mind as well. We are all SO busy now a days. We are always doing something, going somewhere, watching something, chatting to someone, studying, shopping, working, writing. It’s exhausting. Giving yourself a quiet space and the opportunity to completely disconnect from the world is really powerful. So jumping in the bath with a magnesium soak is actually a double win - mind AND body recovery. We use and totally recommend that you use the Magnesium Soaks over at Tactical Recovery! These guys have created the BEST range of products with ADF members, veterans and applicants in mind! Our good friends have given all of you 15% off when you use the code TBG at checkout! If you don't have a bath then they have you covered with a few other products! Head over to the website and have a look. 3. ACTIVE RECOVERY
That’s right, recovery doesn’t necessarily have to mean sitting around on your bum watching Netflix (although that is also fine in moderation). Active recovery means that you still get out and move your body but you do it with significantly less intensity. Think of exercise as a Yin/Yang scenario. You’ve got your strength, higher intensity and cardio work that really fatigues you and helps you improve. That’s the Yang. The Yin to this is much slower paced and could include yoga, stretching, swimming or a walk. Active Recovery is the perfect opportunity to get outside, switch off your devices and enjoy the elements and get some fresh air. 4. NUTRITION Not only do you need to fuel your body FOR workouts but you also need to fuel your body to RECOVER from them. At The Barracks Gym we have an awesome Dietician that we work with. He has been helping many applicants ensure that they are eating well and getting the most out of their training. Sticking to a nutrition plan can be challenging. It requires discipline, organisation and intention. However if you remain focussed on your end goal then you will have a good chance of working WITH your nutrition rather than resenting it. Shaun, out Dietician, has some recommended daily guidelines for your nutrition to help you get started. You can check those out here. 5. MASSAGE Massage is often seen as a luxury rather than a necessity. It’s something we get for our birthday or that we give as a gift for Mothers Day. What’s stopping you from booking yourself a guilt free appointment for a massage? ‘Self Care’ is a popular concept right now and rightfully so. Why shouldn’t we take some time out of our crazy week to look after ourselves? If you’re busy, high strung and running on caffeine then a massage can help you wind down. It’s time carved out in your week where the phone is no where in sight and you are forced to chill out. Having a massage will help you relax so that your recovery and restoration is more effective. Enjoy it. You’ve earned it! If you’d like some help in structuring your week with the right balance of exercise and recovery then click here to get in touch with us today! Don’t forget that sweet discount code on all Tactical Recovery Products. Use TBG for 15% off!
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